Whether single implants or full mouth replacement, TRUETEETH is the best solution for you.
TRUETEETH is a dental implant procedure that can provide patients with a brand new smile in as little as one day. This procedure uses state-of-the-art technology that allows us to place dental implants and deliver a full set of teeth in one procedure without having to go through multiple surgeries or the need to wear inconvenient and uncomfortable false teeth (dentures). Patients who go through the TRUETEETH surgical procedure have limited disruption in their everyday life and are able to have an immediate result -- along with a new sense of confidence.
Our Specialists will work alongside your restorative dentist to customize your new teeth so they look natural and allow you to return to your regular life! After you go through the TRUETEETH treatment, you will be able to enjoy eating the same foods you once loved with a new, strong and natural-looking smile. The dental implants will support teeth that are durable and resistant to chipping, cracking, staining and harmful bacteria. If properly maintained, it is possible for your smile to last a lifetime.
Best-in-Class Restorative Dentists & Board Certified Specialists
TRUETEETH doctors who provide same-day dental implants/restorative solutions are experts in this surgical procedure. Your TRUETEETH team is comprised of board certified specialists, highly trained restorative dentists, and compassionate staff members who help make you feel at ease throughout the process, making TRUETEETH providers the go-to providers for dental implant and full-arch restorative solutions.
Traditional implant dentistry to replace individual teeth can be very costly. With our protocol there is no need for multiple surgical procedures therefore the cost of TRUETEETH can be significantly lower than traditional implants.
Speed & Convenience
(Skip the False Teeth)
The TRUETEETH protocols keep patients from needing to undergo multiple surgical procedures for their desired outcome. TRUETEETH providers work directly with the highest quality dental labs to have patient’s teeth prepared to be placed the same day. This treatment method keeps patients from being embarrassed by missing teeth or the need to wear uncomfortable false teeth (dentures)!
Superior Quality
TRUETEETH dental implants and bridges are made only using advanced technology and the highest quality materials. If well-taken care of, the materials used to create your dream smile can last a life-time.
Permanent Solution
Not only will your new teeth look and feel natural, but they will be a permanent solution. These anchored dental implants are the best-in-class option for missing or damaged teeth. When well-taken care of, they will not chip, crack or stain.
Step 1: Consultation
Determine if you are a TRUETEETH Candidate.
Step 2: Design your smile
Your Specialist will use advanced technology to create your TRUETEETH surgical plan.
Step 3: Procedure
Meet with your specialist for the TRUETEETH procedure.
Step 4: Walk Out Smiling
Working with your restorative dentist and our laboratory, you will be provided with a fixed set of teeth the same day so you can smile confidently.